Grad school let you down…
I have recently discovered some doctoral graduate programs do not include a predoctoral internship. WTF man!?!
Clinical Training Program
Dr. Blythe TwoSisters has a proud history of training mental health professionals. It was one of the goals for becoming a fully licensed psychologist. We want to provide a place to train the next helpers in line who want to be trained to be edgy, feminist, and truly see our patients.
Genomic Testing
The Future Is Here With Nutrigenomic Testing
Greater Houston Midwives’ Alliance
Here you will find a mighty fine resource packet for midwives to educate themselves and thier patients. <3
What are Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD)?
What are Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD)?
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) are a set of disorders that can occur anytime during pregnancy and the first year postpartum. PMAD includes Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Obsessive…
Online Resources
What Factors Increase My Chance of Developing PMAD?
Personal or family history of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety or panic disorder, bipolar disorder or any other emotional illness including pregnancy can increase chances of PMAD.
History of severe Premenstrual Syndrome
What Can I Do to Decrease My Risk of Developing PMAD?
Educate yourself and your loved ones about PMAD. Share the information you read with your loved ones. It is very important they are aware of the signs and symptoms of PMAD.
Eat a balanced diet. Take your prenatal vitamins and make sure…
Young Living Essential Oils
What is all the fuss about essential oils???